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Bottles of beer · Mar 13, 23:20 by Shannon Wynter

titan has his spamming little heart set on singing bottles of beer into a channel.

He spotted a script here http://www.99-bottles-of-beer.net/language-mirc-394.html

And requested some changes…. so here they are

You have two options:

  • You can go ALT+R and create a new script, copying and pasting the stuff below into it
  • You can grab the script below, save it to your mIRC dir and type /load -rs beer.mrc

To spam:
eg. /beer titan 10 20

Getting into trouble?

  1. ;***************************************************
  2. ;* Beer Version 0.91 *******************************
  3. ;***************************************************
  4. ;* Writen by Freman aka Fremean                    *
  5. ;***************************************************
  6. ;*    Please send comments/complaints to:          *
  7. ;*           http://fremnet.net/contact            *
  8. ;* Note: Anything else won't even be opened, and   *
  9. ;* spamming, selling, or sending junk to this addr *
  10. ;* will cause me to close it without a 2nd thought *
  11. ;* So, do the right thing and don't fuck it up for *
  12. ;* someone who needs it for legit purposes.        *
  13. ;***************************************************
  14. ;* To catch me look for Freman/Fremean on Undernet *
  15. ;* If I'm online and around, I'll get back to you  *
  16. ;* Home Chan(s): #Australia, #Ozchat               *
  17. ;* You can also find me in #ign on EnterTheGame    *
  18. ;***************************************************
  21. alias beer {
  22. set %beer.chan $1
  23. set %beer.time $2
  24. set %beer.bottles $3
  26. /beer.drink
  27. }
  29. alias beer.drink {
  30. if (%beer.bottles == 1) {
  31.   /msg %beer.chan One bottle of beer on the wall.
  32.   /msg %beer.chan One bottle of beer on the wall.
  33.   /msg %beer.chan One bottle of beer...
  34.   /msg %beer.chan Take it down, pass it around,
  35.   /msg %beer.chan No more bottles of beer on the wall.
  36.   unset %beer.bottles
  37.   unset %beer.chan
  38.   unset %beer.time
  39. }
  40. else {
  41.   /msg %beer.chan %beer.bottles bottles of beer on the wall.
  42.   /msg %beer.chan %beer.bottles bottles of beer...
  43.   /msg %beer.chan Take one down, pass it around,
  44.   dec %beer.bottles
  45.   if (%beer.bottles == 1) {
  46.   /msg %beer.chan one bottle of beer on the wall.
  47.   }
  48.   else {
  49.   /msg %beer.chan %beer.bottles bottles of beer on the wall.
  50.   }
  51.   .timerbeer 1 %beer.time beer.drink
  52. }
  53. }
  55. alias beer.stop {
  56. .timerbeer off
  57. unset %beer.bottles
  58. unset %beer.chan
  59. unset %beer.time
  60. }
  61. Download this code: beer.mrc (Downloaded 185 time(s))

Spam no more - rel=nofollow is active here, spamming my comments will not help your page rank.

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